Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Anti-Covid Hysteria, Or the Pandemic Road to Tyranny

During the plague years of the Seventeenth Century, the penalty in London for appearing in public bearing the marks of the plague was summary execution by hanging. Whether this measure to flatten the curve was effective is open to question since the bubonic plague was transmitted not from human to human but from flea to human, fleas being carried chiefly by the city's vast population of rats. 

Revealing that nothing much has changed in the combination of ruthlessness and futility in the response of public officials to the fear evoked by a poorly understood disease epidemic, the mayor of the German city of Ostfildern has authorized police use of firearms in responding to anti-vaccine protests. Futility, in this case, is evident from the fact — confirmed by the Director of the US Center for Disease Control, Rochelle Walensky, that the vax prevents neither infection nor transmission of Covid-19.

One difference, though, between the global Covid pandemic and London's 17th Century plague is that the former has thus far resulted in a world-wide mortality of less than zero point one percent, whereas London's 17th Century plague took out about one quarter of the population. It is this vast discrepancy that underlies the widespread public push-back against the Covid tyranny of Justin Trudeau and other Covid Nazi's.


“We Come from Communist Country.. We Wanted to Live in a Free Country” – Polish Immigrants Offer Food Assistance to Truck Drivers in Ottawa If Trudeau has his way, they will find they came to the wrong country. Me too.

Trudeau Is Playing With Fire

Lockdowns "Imposed Enormous Economic & Social Costs", Had "Little To No Public Health Effects"; New Johns Hopkins Study Finds

Saturday, April 11, 2020

German Survey Proves Corona Virus Poses No Existential Threat to the Nation

To know how deadly Corvid19 is, one must know how many of those who are infected will die. 

This, governments have thus far failed to determine, which is remarkable since any competent epidemiological research group furnished with a modest research grant could easily find out. The task is simple. The number of deaths due to the disease is known. Thus what remains to be determined is the proportion of the population that has been infected. For this purpose, a small random sample of the population, a thousand or two at most, needs to be tested for current or past infection. For this purpose  there are blood tests that assess the presence of the virus (indicating current infection), the so-call reverse transcriptase PCR tests, and there are blood tests that assess the presence of antibodies to the virus (indicating past infection), namely immunological or serological tests. 

To hear government spokespersons talk about such testing, one might assume it necessary to test every human on the face of the planet to come to any useful conclusion. Thus, for example, President Trump's medical expert on Covid19, Dr. Fauci is reported to have said:

‘Obviously’ I Would Like to Test Whole Country for Coronavirus Antibody...

[But] “We’re not going to have testing for everybody in the country tomorrow. It’s going to be a gradual process. We are starting when the next week or two, we’ll be able to scale-up the kind of antibody testing to give you a good feel for what the penetrance of the infection is.”
Clearly the man is an idiot or someone who thinks that Americans are idiots.
To get "a good feel for what the penetrance of the infection is," if one must talk in such ridiculously stilted language, it’s not necessary to test the whole goddam population, all you need is a random survey of a few hundred people.

And thanks to the fact that Germans, if no one else, are not entirely stupid, we now have the results of one such survey:
A team at the University of Bonn has tested a randomized sample of 1,000 residents of the town of Gangelt in the north-west of the country, one of the epicenters of the outbreak in Germany. The study found that two percent of the population currently had the virus and that 14 percent were carrying antibodies suggesting that they had already been infected — whether or not they experienced any symptoms. Eliminating an overlap between the two groups, the team concluded that 15 percent of the town have been infected with the virus.
This work needs to be replicated on a nationally representative sample population of several thousand people in total, but if the result for the town of Gangelt is indicative of the rate of Covid19 infection nationally, it indicates that around 12 million Germans have already been infected. With 2763 deaths to date, the implied death rate is of 2736 per 12 million infections (i.e., 15% of the national population), or 0.0023%.

No doubt the virus is still spreading in Germany, and the national death toll could mount six or seven times higher if the infection were to spread to the entire population. But that is not possible, since herd immunity would stop the epidemic beyond the 50 to 60% infection rate. Thus total deaths in Germany due to Covid19 are unlikely to exceed 10,000, or about three times the annual motor accident death toll. So yes, the cost of the novel Corona virus is high. But note that most virus deaths will be among the over 65's, many of them at the point of death due to other conditions, whereas car crashes kill mainly the young and healthy.

But the German death toll due to Covid19 will certainly not reach anything like 10,000 if the German Government takes the most simple-minded steps to limit the death toll, most importantly by advising the elderly to stay in quarantine, while the rest of the population goes back to work.

So the proper virus response is simple really. But give the likes of Trump and Trudeau, Merkel and Micron the opportunity to grab totalitarian powers, and they will not give them up unless those powers are torn from their hands by an enraged populace and an effective government opposition.

ZH: COVID-19 and Annual Flu Mortality Compared
NewsPunch: Bill Gates’ Instagram Page Flooded With People Calling For His Arrest For ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
YDN: Coronavirus has been in California since December
ZH: Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates' Vaccine Agenda In Scathing Report
YDN: More than 3,600 elderly people have died from coronavirus in nursing homes across the US - but the government does not count them
ZH: South Korea Says Nearly 100 Recovered COVID-19 Patients Tested Positive Again
Jonathan Geach, MD: Eight Reasons to End the Lockdowns As Soon as Possible
The BL: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. answers Bill Gates on the dangers of a mandatory CCP Virus vaccineJohn Vibes: Governments Using Pandemic to Build “Architecture of Oppression”
ZH: China Begins Mass Deletion Of Online Research On Coronavirus Origins
From Harvard to the Big House: The COVID-19 pandemic and serial passage gain-of-function research
WSJ: Coronavirus Strikes at Least 2,100 Senior Facilities Across U.S., Killing 2,300 People
Fort Russ: Vaccine ‘Mark Of The Beast?’: It’s Time To Stop Bill Gates
NewsPunch: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Slams Bill Gates’ ‘God-like Willingness To Experiment With Lives of Lesser Humans’
IW: US Hospitals Get Paid More to List Patients as COVID-19 and Three Times as Much if the Patient Goes on Ventilator
SW: UK hunger crisis: 1.5m people go whole day without food
ZH: British Suicide Rate Soars To Record High
ZH: Whistleblower: How CDC Is Manipulating The COVID-19 Death-Toll

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Treason Party President Obama Goes Abroad to Attack the President Elect

Daily Mail: ‘Trump tapped into troubling strain of rhetoric to win U.S. election’: Barack Obama attacks the President-elect on the first day of his final foreign tour where he was met by SCOWLING Greek guards.

But what was it that Hillary, the Democrats-for-the-dismantling-of-America, and the departing president found so troubling about the Trump campaign?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Myths of the Globalist New World Order: Did German Nationalism Really Cause Two World Wars?

Nationalism is the enemy of empire. Genocide, the destruction of the racial and cultural identity of the nation states, is thus an essential policy of the New World Order.

The European nation states, subordinates of the US hegemon since WWII, are already in an advanced stage of dissolution as racially and culturally distinct communities. The process of universal genocide is driven by a combination of anti-natalist policies, including mass slaughter of the unborn and state-mandated education in the arts and perversions of non-reproductive sex, combined with unrestricted immigration and state-enforced multiculturalism. As a result, the indigenous peoples of Europe are already isolated cultural and even linguistic minorities in many cities including London, Oslo, and Marseilles.

Now Russia as an independent nation state is targeted for destruction by the forces of the New World Order. The assault is both internal and external. Internally, Russia is attacked by means of US-backed fifth columnists such as the punk anti-Christian group, Pussy Riot, and oligarch traitors and opportunists such as Mikhail Khodorkovsky.  Externally Russia is attacked both economically, by means of US-EU sanctions and other machinations to undermine Russia's foreign trade relationships; and militarily, including the the US-inspired genocidal assault on ethnic Russians in Ukraine, and subversion among non-Russian minorities, such as the Tartars and Chechens, within the Russian Federation.

To keep the ball rolling, unrelenting propaganda glorifying the historical necessity of globalization under a system of Western democracy while demeaning independent sovereign nations spews from the corporate-controlled founts of news and entertainment and the state-controlled educational establishment.

Francis Fukuyama, of Stanford, Johns Hopkins and George Mason Universities, the Rand Corporation and the State Department is among the more prominent scholarly propagandists for globalization. In his 1992 book The End of History and the Last Man he argued that Western liberal democracy marked the end of human sociocultural evolution and thus the end of international conflict.

Since publication of the book was followed by the seemingly endless "War Against Terror," the rise of ethnocentric nationalism in Europe, and the current US-NATO effort to dismantle the Russian Federation, the timing if Fukuyama's book declaring the arrival of the era of global governance, cultural uniformity and racial homogenization  was not ideal. Indeed it earned the author some ridicule. But undeterred, in his latest work, Political order and Political Decay — a curious mishmash of ideas and information on topics ranging from the rise of the Mafia to the origins of the US Forest Service, Fukuyama does not neglect the role of a globalist shill. Otto von Bismarck (German Minister President, Foreign Minister and later Chancellor from 1862 until 1890), Fukuyama writes, "forged a modern German nation through war, and unleashed an aggressive nationalism that culminated in the two World wars."

So there you have it. The sovereign nation state is a great and abiding evil that must be eradicated to make way for a New World Order, under which the entire world will live for evermore in liberal democratic harmony, consuming junk food and Internet porn, each self-actualizing individual boosting their self-esteem by Tweeting and Face-book posting to the vast profit of oligarchs who, reportedly, view their clients as "dumb fucks".

But was German nationalism really the cause of two World Wars?

Well, actually, no.

World War 1 was a direct result, not of German, but of Serbian nationalism. The trigger for war was the assassination in Sarajevo, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia, of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian imperial throne. The assassin, Gavrilo Princip, was a Serb nationalist backed by the Serbian state, which sought to incite a nationalist revolt among the slavs of Bosnia as a step toward the creation of a greater Serbia at the expense of the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires.

Gavrilo Princip, a Serb nationalist, killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife
Austria-Hungary responded by declaring war on Serbia with the assurance of German support. What motivated Kaiser Willhelm's decision was not some upsurge of aggressive German nationalism. Rather, it was the belief that if a generally expected wider European war were to break out it was better that it break out before Russia completed its ongoing military build-up, the sequel to humiliating defeat by Japan in the war of 1904–05, and before Germany's only significant ally, the crumbling Austro-Hungarian empire, had grown even weaker.

Moreover, whatever Germany's responsibility for World War 1, neither the Kaiser nor his Chancellor wished for a general war. On the contrary, both hoped that if Austria-Hungary dealt promptly with Serbia, other European powers would accept the action without intervention, or that if a prompt settlement of the dispute were not achieved, Germany and Britain might somehow work out a deal to prevent other powers being dragged in.

And it was Russia, not Germany, that took the step that made a general conflagration inevitable. By declaring war on Austria-Hungary, nominally in support of their Serbian co-ethnics, but motivated also, if not mainly, by hopes of imperial conquest at the expense of Austria-Hungary and the Turkish Empire, Russia's action tripped the switch that made war between Triple Alliance (Germany, Austro-Hungary and Italy) and the Triple Entente (France, Russia and Britain) obligatory upon all parties.

In launching the war, Russia was strenuously urged on by the French, who hoped that, with Germany crushed by the weight of Russia's huge army, France could recover from Germany the territory of Alsace-Lorraine annexed to Prussia following the war of 1870–71.

Appalled once the reality of war emerged, the German Kaiser engaged in futile last-minute appeals to his cousin Tzar Nicholas II to halt the war on Austria-Hungary. He also attempted to halt implementation of Germany's strategic plan, which required an immediate and massive attack on France with the aim of knocking her out of the war at a stroke, before turning the weight of Germany's army against the slow-moving Russian behemoth. But by that time, Wilhelm, had ceased to count. The military, having received the command to advance, informed the Kaiser, falsely, as it now seems, that the strategic plan was immutable and irreversible. General war in Europe was the result.

Britain's declaration of war was delayed by liberals in cabinet who threatened resignation. However, Germany's strategic plan required not only an attack on France, but passage of the German army through Belgium, the neutrality of which had been guaranteed by all the European powers. Anxious to see their great power rival crushed, this breach of Belgian sovereignty, freed the war faction in Britain  to join the slaughter.

So much for German nationalism in 1914.

But what about 1939. Hitler's government was undoubtedly nationalist and undoubtedly aggressive. But German nationalism was by no means a key factor in the origins of the World War 2. Hitler never won more than 37% of the popular vote in a German election, he never gained a majority in the Reichstag, and after 1934, when he achieved power by backroom maneuvers involving manipulation of the senile chancellor, Field Marshall Hindenberg, he never gave Germans a chance to vote at all. So whether Germans under the Third Reich were nationalistic or not made little if any difference to German policy.

Rather, a strong argument can be made that Germany's dysfunctional and eventually pathological post World War 1 governments were a direct result of the stupidity of those who imposed on Germany terms of peace that included amputation from Germany of large tracts of territory with German majority populations and the imposition on Germany of a bill for vast and totally unpayable reparations.

Further a strong case can be made that Britain's policy of "appeasement," which entailed forcing Czechoslovakia to relinquish to Germany it's heavily fortified frontier region, provided Hitler with incitement to help himself to the rest of Czechoslovakia, which he promptly did. The result was to bring the hated German Nazis and the hated Russian Communists into direct confrontation, as may have been the objective of Neville Chamberlain's so-called appeasement policy.

Likewise, Britain's dishonored guarantee of Polish independence had a similar effect, perhaps intentionally so. With Britain's security guarantee in its pocket, the Polish government refused to negotiate Germany's demand for a corridor to the German city of Danzik on the Baltic coast. By such intransigence, Poland provided Hitler with motivation to join with Russia in the total destruction of Poland, an action the British resisted by dropping anti-war leaflets over Germany.

In response to questions about Britain's refusal to take effective action against Germany during the rape of Poland, Britain's Secretary of State for Air, Kingsley Wood, explained to astonished members of Parliament that the  Black Forest could not be bombed with incendiaries to burn German ammunition dumps there because the forest was "private property." He also explained that German munitions factories could not be bombed since the Germans might then do the same to British factories.

The implication that Britain sought to force the totalitarian powers into direct confrontation in the hope that it would lead to a war of mutual annihilation is compelling. But in any case, German nationalism, however much it may have been promoted by Hitler, did not drive Hitler's megalomanic plans. The nationalistic enthusiasm that greeted Hitler's early successes and which was vigorously stoked by the Nazi government may have discourage a coup d'état by responsible Germans who thought Hitler insane, but was never unanimous. Altogether, 77,000 Germans were executed during the war for resistance to Hitler, including Erwin Planck son Max Planck, the founder of quantum theory, and many religious figures including the Lutheran priest, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and the Catholic Bishop, August von Galen.


Timeline of Events Prior to the Great War, 1870-1914