Friday, April 3, 2015

The 2015 UK Pre-election Leaders' Debate

At the insistence of Prime Minister David Cameron, leaders not only of the significant national parties, but also of the Greens and the nationalists, both Scotch and Welsh, were included in this so-called debate, thus preventing any real one-on-one that could have seriously damaged the Tory leader.

The marginals, all female, filled much of the air time with the usual liberal-left drivel designed to extend the culture of entitlement not only to all citizens but to anyone who manages to set foot on British soil, including healthcare tourists, criminals and radical Muslims with a settler mentality. Obviously the best  thing to do with the three of them would have been to tie them in sacks and dump them in the Bosphorus.

As for the males, Cameron`s performance was exemplary: a suave delivery of the lying bullshit to be expected from a war criminal, Libya bombing, treasonous Conservative Friends of Israel, bankster-enabling, son-of-a-bitch, Eton-Oxford product with a nasal whine and the look about him of an ill-tempered raccoon.

Clegg delivered the Liberal bullshit with charismatic elan: Wage compression for low-skilled Brits due to mass immigration? No prob., just raise the minimum wage. Yeah, Cleggy, and let 'em eat cake.

Milliband the ugly Jew with a reconstructed schnozz ...

Read more at CanSpeccy on Wordpress

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